It is very important to validate your part numbers before purchasing a part (online or in store). Consult the user manual or contact us before ordering parts or accessories. In most cases, we can help you find these numbers if you have the brand, model and serial number of the machine and engine. Without this information it will be very difficult to help you.

All used parts sold online or in store by Desjardins Sport have been inspected, tested and are functional. Since it is virtually impossible to tell the difference between our sold part and the customer’s, all used parts purchased online or in store are final sale and are neither refundable nor exchangeable.

Please note that no returns are possible on electrical and/or electronic parts and on special orders. Unclaimed layaways will be canceled after 20 days. A 30% fee may apply to return parts and accessories. In addition, Desjardins Sport is not responsible for return shipping costs following an order error that is not the responsibility of its employees. All returned parts must be in the original packaging and condition they were shipped. No returns will be accepted without authorization or proof of purchase (invoice) and after 30 days following the date of purchase.

Prices and quantities are updated weekly, variations may occur at any time, therefore prices are subject to change without notice. Order times may vary depending on product availability from our suppliers.

We invite you to contact our parts department for all your questions regarding availability, prices and conformity of your choice of parts by telephone at 450-438-8225 or by email at [email protected].